POST DOCTORAL POSITION : Electromagnetic properties of 1D/2D materials from microwave multiscale modelling to characterization — Offre pourvue

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ESPCI global presentation :

The Industrial Physics and Chemistry school of the City of Paris (ESPCI Paris) is the first French Engineering School in the ranking of Shanghai (class 300/400). Distinguished by 6 Nobel prizes, this institution allies excellence in research (1 publication a day), innovation (1 patent a week, 3 start-up a year) and interdisciplinary training by research. It welcomes 400 pupils engineers, 600 teachers-researchers and researchers. ESPCI Paris is home to 18 high-profile laboratories advancing scientific knowledge and pioneering technical know-how in a variety of research areas, ranging from nano-materials to telecommunications, from nano-biophysics to organic synthesis, from environmental science to biomedical imaging, from neurobiology to microfluidics, from soft matter to quantum physics, from colloids to prototyping for industry.


Mission :

The scientific mission is consistent within the research framework led for 5 years under European projects support, on the design, modelling, realization and characterization of advanced microwave sub-wavelength antennas implementing 1D materials such as vertically aligned Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes (VA MWCNT) bundles for future telecommunication applications.
Today, research activities are targeting 1D/2D heterogeneous structures, for agility in frequency prospects.

The mission of this position is distributed over several research technical milestones such as

  • Identification of microwave properties (ε, µ, σ) of few-layers stacking of 2D materials from free space microwave characterization techniques.
  • Optimization of these intrinsic material parameters for the design of CNT/2D materials –based microwave circuits by 3D electromagnetic modelling (HFSS).
  • Elaboration of circuit layouts matching dedicated technological process parameters including suitable calibration and de-embedding structures in coplanar technology.
  • On-wafer multiscale microwave characterization through S-matrix measurements.
  • Elaboration of a dedicated EMI-isolated setup under probe test environment for radiation patterns determination.

Direct interaction with national and international technological platforms will allow the realization of devices that must be functional in a wide frequency band up to 67 GHz.

Research environment

The Physics and Materials Study Laboratory (LPEM) is a joint research unit of ESPCI, CNRS and UPMC (UMR8213). The lab brings together 67 people, including 33 researchers and teachers, 7 engineers, Administrative and technical staff and 22 PhD students and postdocs. Its research activities are divided along three groups such as Nanophysics/Nanostructures and Nanomaterials, Low dimensionality and strongly correlated electronic systems and Instrumentation. To accomplish all of this research, the group of instrumentation LPEM has powerful equipment in microwave and telecommunications, infrared optics, electromagnetic and analytic simulation tools, dielectric characterization, and cryogenics.
Within the Lab of Physics and Material science (LPEM-UMR 8213), the candidate will join the Instrumentation team, within the framework of activities led on the reconfiguration of microwave functions at nanoscale.

Time period : 01/04/2019 – 31/03/2020
Salary : 2500 euros/month (taxes included)


PhD certificate in Electronics/Electromagnetism with strong theoretical background in materials science, nanotechnology and microwave circuits.
Technical expertise in experimental microwave characterization techniques and 3D full-wave analysis required.
Adaptive behaviour with respect to European scientific partnership.


A/P Charlotte Tripon-Canseliet
Email : charlotte.tripon-canseliet (arobase)
Téléphone : +33 140 794 533/ +33 664 545 363


19 rue Vauquelin – Building A – 3rd floor
75 005 Paris
Metro : line 7 (Place Monge/Censier Daubenton)
RER B (Luxembourg)
Bus lines 21, 27 & 47


Curiculum Vitae and motivation letter must be sent to : recrutement (arobase)

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris