Post-doc position molecular biologist N°2 - Biochemistry Laboratory - Version PDF
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Post-doc position molecular biologist N°2 - Biochemistry Laboratory — Offre pourvue

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Prof. Andrew GRIFFITHS
Laboratory of Biochemistry ESPCI ParisTech
10 Rue Vauquelin
75231 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE
Candidatures (lettre de motivation et CV) à transmettre par courrier électronique. Address your applications (CV + cover letter) to : job-lbc (arobase)


Métro ligne 7 (Place Monge/Censier Daubenton)

RER B (Luxembourg)

Bus 21, 27 & 47

3 stations Vélib proches

Laboratoire d’accueil :

The “École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris” (ESPCI ParisTech) is both a “Grande École d’ingénieurs” and a research institute (17 laboratoires) with a strong international reputation (6 Nobel Prizes). ESPCI is a highly multidisciplinary environment with teaching and research in physics, chemistry and biology.
The Laboratory of Biochemistry at ESPCI ParisTech, directed by Prof. Andrew GRIFFITHS, seeks to recruit a post-doc with experience in molecular biology.
The successful candidates will join a highly multidisciplinary team, with experience spanning biology, chemistry and physics.
The projects of the laboratory are based around droplet-based microfluidics, a powerful new ultrahigh-throughput system in which reaction volumes can be miniaturized by up to a million-fold compared to conventional assays in microtitre plates. This opens up exciting prospects for the development of extremely innovative systems with many applications in the Life Sciences.

Sujet du postdoc :

The post-doc will work on a project in collaboration with the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

Compétences requises :

We are seeking a motivated post-doc to work on the development of a microfluidic-based approach for ultra-high-throughput single-cell analysis of T and B lymphocytes from human blood.
The candidate should possess a PhD in molecular biology and ideally have experience in :

  • Single-cell assays
  • Immunoprofiling
  • Immune cell culture

Flexibility, autonomy, the ability to work in a highly multidisciplinary team and good interpersonal skills are essential.

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris