La deuxième conférence du Pr. Paul Shaw , de l’Université Washington à Saint-Louis aux Etats-Unis, portera sur les mécanismes génétiques du sommeil. Elle se tiendra le vendredi 16 avril à 11h30, dans l’amphithéâtre de l’Espace des sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes :
Molecular genetic dissection of sleep in Drosophila
Extended periods of waking result in physiological impairments in humans, rats, and flies. Sleep homeostasis, the increase in sleep observed following sleep loss, is believed to counter the negative effects of prolonged waking by restoring vital biological processes that are degraded during sleep deprivation. Sleep homeostasis, as with other behaviors, is influenced by both genes and environment. We have identified environmental manipulations that induce periods of waking that, in contrast to sleep deprivation, do not induce the negative consequences of typically associated with waking. Genetic studies have begun to identify genes that regulate sleep homeostasis and offset cognitive deficits associated with sleep deprivation.
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Contact :
Serge Birman
Laboratoire de Neurobiologie
ESPCI ParisTech, CNRS UMR7637