Dynamic covalent chemistry in polymer latexes for the formation of vitrimer films

Research unit  Molecular, Macromolecular Chemistry and Materials (C3M), UMR 7167
Address  10, rue Vauquelin 75005 Paris, France
Home institution ESPCI Paris (http://www.espci.fr/en/)
Supervisors Renaud Nicolaÿ (renaud.nicolay (arobase) espci.psl.eu)
Corinne Soulié-Ziakovic (Corinne.Soulie (arobase) espci.psl.eu)
Funding source ANR
Start date October 2019
Candidates are asked to submit their CV and provide contact information for references to renaud.nicolay (arobase) espci.psl.eu and Corinne.Soulie (arobase) espci.psl.eu.

Description of the laboratory :

The Molecular, Macromolecular Chemistry and Materials (C3M) is a CNRS mixed research unit at the ESPCI Paris, a grande école internationally recognized for its scientific excellence in training and research. The C3M laboratory works in close collaboration with industrial partners on research topics linked to the development of new fundamental concepts and applications. Its main areas of research include the development of synthetic methods to access architecturally complex molecules ; the design and study of structured polymeric and hybrid materials ; the design and study of stimuli-responsive functional systems ; supramolecular chemistry ; and the dynamic and mechanical study of polymeric-colloid formulations and composites.

Project description :

The aim of the project is to design new polymer latexes for the formation of crosslinked films with potential self-healing properties and/or recyclability owing to vitrimer-like properties. To meet these challenges, different surfactant-free polymer latexes incorporating functional groups (in the particle core or in the hydrophilic layer) able to establish dynamic covalent bonds will be synthesized using controlled radical polymerization (RAFT process) and emulsion polymerization. These latexes will be then mixed with either another latex or free (macro)molecules containing the complementary functions needed to trigger the formation of exchangeable links. Adjusting the amount and location of each complementary function will allow tuning the crosslinking density, and therefore the mechanical properties of the resulting films, as well as the dynamic of exchange. This will impact the formation of the crosslinked films, their self-healing ability and their recyclability.

Required background :

The candidate should have a keen interest in polymer chemistry, dynamic covalent chemistry, design and characterization of polymeric materials.

Keywords :

Emulsion polymerization, controlled radical polymerization, dynamic covalent chemistry, vitrimers, coatings, self-healing and recyclable materials.

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