Programmer (beginner level)

Real-time digital holography in C++ on GPU

Contract type : CDD programmer (beginner level). Location : Paris 75005.
Contact : Michael Atlan micatlan (arobase)

Our aim is to accelerate the transition to high resolution, high throughput, non-invasive computational holographic imaging. Digital holographic techniques increasingly demonstrate relevance for microscopy, tomography, and angiography.

We designed Holovibes, a real-time holographic image rendering software enabling a sustained output throughput of 10 billion voxels per second in C++ on Nvidia Titan Xp GPU. This makes it, to our knowledge, the fastest digital hologram rendering software of the state of the art. The successful applicant will participate in its development and add new features to broaden its range of applications.

Examples of real-time hologram rendering with Holovibes :

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