French as a Foreign Language

I Engineer cycle

a) Intensive course at Cavilam

Foreign students recruited on the engineering cycle of ESPCI Paris, and especially when they participate in a double degree program, follow an intensive internship of French Language at Cavilam Vichy during the summer. ESPCI asks them to arrive about six weeks before the start of term. These students are accommodated by host families and take classes dedicated to the French language and culture.

Accommodation is to be paid by the student whereas the educational program is paid by ESPCI Paris.
 Accommodation at the expense of the student: 26.50 euros per day (breakfast, lunch, laundry included).
 Educational program at the expense of ESPCI Paris: 246,40 euros per week

Foreign students land at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport on July 16, 2018 from where they take public transport to get to the Paris Bercy station where they will be welcomed by International Relations. The students will then leave for Vichy the same day. ESPCI takes the train ticket from the Paris Bercy railway station to Vichy and return.

Foreign students met with the French students of ESPCI one week before the beginning of the term, on August 27, 2018. Students on internship at Cavilam will return this day from Vichy where they will be welcomed by the Direction of Studies and accompanied to their student residence.

b) Français Langue Etrangère courses during the year

Foreign engineering students take part in a French language course during the school year, which represents 26 hours of instruction over the school year, ie 13 sessions of two hours per week. These courses are set according to two levels (B1 or B2) and take place on:
 Monday from 17:30 to 19:30, or
 Thursday from 13:00 to 15:00

The courses are common with Chimie ParisTech and take place at Chimie ParisTech or at ESPCI.

The courses are free for engineering students of ESPCI Paris

II PhD students and post-docs

PhD students at ESPCI can take courses in French as a Foreign Language for two hours a week, which means 39 hours over an academic year. This language courses are divided into three different levels: A2, B1, B2. These one-and-a-half hour courses are offered, depending on the followed level, on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

The courses are free for doctoral and post-doctoral students of ESPCI Paris
