Hartmut Löwen (Universität Düsseldorf)

Séminaires du laboratoire PMMH : [consultez le programme->http://www.pmmh.espci.fr/seminaires] Contact : Ramiro Godoy-Diana ramiro@pmmh.espci.fr
23 novembre 2012 11:00 » 12:30 — A4 (Langevin)

Collective dynamics of self-propelled particles : from crystallization to turbulence

We explore active rod-like colloidal particles by computer simulation and theory. First of all, the Brownian motion of self-propelled particles is described. Then Brownian dynamics simulations
are used to explore the non-equilibrium dynamics of concentrated self-propelled rods which are interacting via a Yukawa segment model. In a linear channel, transient hedgehog-clustering at the system
boundaries is found [1]. In the two-dimensional bulk, anomalous
turbulence emerges [2] in agreement with recent experimental data on
bacterial motion [3]. We then discuss possibilities to trap self-propelled particles efficiently [4]. Finally we study the crystallization transition for very dense self-propelled particles and find differences to equilibrium freezing [5,6].

[1] H. H. Wensink, H. Lowen,
Phys. Rev. E 78, 031409 (2008).

[2] H. H. Wensink, H. Lowen,
Emergent states in dense systems of active rods : from swarming to
J. Phys. : Condensed Matter (in press), see also

[3] H. H. Wensink, J. Dunkel,
S. Heidenreich, K. Drescher, R. E. Goldstein, H. Lowen, J. M. Yeomans,
PNAS 109, 14308-14313 (2012).

[4] A. Kaiser, H. H. Wensink, H. Lowen,
Physical Review Letters 108, 268307 (2012).

[5] J. Bialké, T. Speck, H. Lowen,
Physical Review Letters 108, 168301 (2012).

[6] A. M. Menzel, H. Lowen,
Traveling and resting crystals in active systems,

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